It’s that time of year again.  And I’m not talking about Mardi Gras.  I’m talking tax season and it’s not nearly as exciting as carnival time.

Every year there are a few questions and conversations that come up with clients that I thought I’d discuss in these 3 short videos.  Don’t worry, this is not a super technical discussion.

If you fall into any of these categories than listen up:

  1. You have a non-retirement investment account
  2. You have a traditional or roth IRA
  3. You plan on getting a tax refund

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YouTube video

Are you wondering how much you may owe in taxes?  How is your tax rate even determined?  Check out the 2018 tax rates.

Schedule a free portfolio review to see if you’re over paying taxes in your investment account


About Erik Garcia

Hi there, I'm Erik. How you manage your money and other resources impacts practically every aspect of your life. I help individuals and families invest plan for a more secure and predictable financial future. Thanks for taking time on my site!

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