Coming to America

In this episode of the Stuff About Money podcast, Erik Garcia, CFP® and Xavier Angel, CFP®, ChFC, CLTC, interviews Felix Garcia, our co-host’s fearless father, drops serious wisdom in this intimate conversation. Erik and Xavier go deep with Felix…Family, finances, the immigrant’s struggle…this episode has it all.
Episode Highlights:
- Felix shares with us the story of how he left Cuba and came to the United States. (3:28)
- Felix shares the struggles he faced during his first year in the United States. (6:30)
- Felix explains how he got into the insurance business. (10:15)
- Felix shares a story about the first paycheck that he got when he joined the business. (10:45)
- Felix talks about the challenges he faced when starting his business & how much he earned back in those days. (15:06)
- Felix gives listeners a tip about saving money today. (17:01)
- Erik asks Felix what drives him, if not money? (18:59)
- Felix elaborates on why he never makes a decision without talking to his family first. (23:37)
- Felix shares a few quotes from the book he wrote called, Ingredients for Success. (27:45)
Key Quotes:
- “Never let anyone tell you what you’re worth.” – Felix Garcia
- “Knowing what I know today, rather than spending three and saving two. Spend two and save three, so I would say save more money.” – Felix Garcia
- “Sometimes we try to hold back on doing something that we should do, because we’re going to have less, but that’s totally the opposite. The more you give, the more you get.” – Felix Garcia
- “God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. So the passage through life is going to be difficult. You’re going to go through difficulties. But if you have faith the landing would be with a guarantee.” – Felix Garcia